Welcome to TarnaCrew!

Welcome to TarnaCrew!

Hi! We're a team of friends making some fun little games whenever we feel like it.

We focus on making smaller games that can be made in a short period of time (so around a few days, or a few weeks).
By making smaller games we don't have to worry as much about the issues that come with making larger games that take months, such as their development dying out early on, and it also allows us to provide more games and experiences to everyone!

Many of our games are/will be based on, or take inspiration from, the webseries Petscop and related properties (such as Sheriff Domestic and Pizza Delivery).
Even our name, TarnaCrew, is derived from the Tarnacop brand of computers present in Petscop.
This is just because we're all very big fans of the series, however there may be non Petscop related games we develop in the future, who knows!

Also, it should be noted this website is not intended to be viewed on mobile!
